2025 |
111 |
3 |
Latest Research Aiming the Elucidation of the Formation, Growth, and Evolution Mechanisms of Non-metallic Inclusions during the Solidification Process of Molten Steel [Published February 15] |
2024 |
110 |
15 |
Diagnostic, Evaluation and Data Utilization Technologies for Corrosion Deterioration of Infrastructures [Published November 15] |
14 |
Systems Resilience to Realize Maximum Efficiency and Operational Stability in Iron and Steel Industries [Published November 1] |
12 |
Non-destructive or On-site Analysis for Materials related to Steel Industry [Published September 15] |
11 |
Area-Sensing-Based Condition Monitoring of Facilities in Steelworks [Published September 1] |
6 |
Recent Developments to Visualization and Sensing of Slag for Better Understanding of Multi-phase Melts Flow [Published April 15] |
3 |
Heterogeneous Deformation Microstructure and Related Mechanical Properties [Published February 15] |
2023 |
109 |
6 |
Cutting Edge of Applications of Data Science in Steels |
3 |
Fundamental Researches and its Applications for Strengthening in High Temperature Materials |
2022 |
108 |
12 |
Friction Welding Technologies for Steel |
8 |
High Temperature Production of Clean Alloyed Steel |
2021 |
107 |
12 |
Toward Optimization of Maintenance for Aging Infrastructures |
6 |
Processes of Iron Ore Treatment for Increasing Resource Flexibility and Resolving Environmental Problems in the Future |
2020 |
106 |
8 |
Technologies for the Effective Use of Unutilized Thermal Energy in Steelworks |
6 |
Behaviour of Light Elements in Steels and Its Effects on Microstructure and Properties |
2 |
(Special Topics)Intelligent Abnormality Diagnosis for Steel Works by Using an Adaptive Area Sensing |
2019 |
105 |
7 |
Fundamentals and Application Technologies for High-Performance Hot-Dip Galvanized Coatings |
3 |
Thermodynamics of Deoxidizing, Transition Metal and Tramp Elements in Steel for Advanced Sustainable Steelmaking |
2 |
Heterogeneous Structure Control: Towards Innovative Development of Metallic Structural Materials |
2018 |
104 |
12 |
(Special Topics)To Overcome Problems on Hot Rolling Rolls |
2017 |
103 |
12 |
Dynamics in Solid-liquid Coexistence and Controlling of Segregation during Solidification |
6 |
Processes of Iron Ore Treatment for Increasing Resource Flexibility |
2016 |
102 |
6 |
Micromechanisms of brittle fracture and microstructure – toughness relationships of steels |
3 |
Physical phenomena under the imposition of electromagnetic or ultrasonic vibration |
2015 |
101 |
2 |
Multiphase Flow Phenomena in Refining Processes |
2014 |
100 |
12 |
[Volume 100 Special Commemorative Issue]Progress in Steel Science and Technology toward a Future of Sustainable Innovation Part 7: Rolling and Forming |
10 |
[Volume 100 Special Commemorative Issue]Progress in Steel Science and Technology toward a Future of Sustainable Innovation Part 6: Evaluation Technology for Materials |
9 |
[Volume 100 Special Commemorative Issue]Progress in Steel Science and Technology toward a Future of Sustainable Innovation Part 5: Microstructure Control and Material properties |
7 |
[Volume 100 Special Commemorative Issue]Progress in Steel Science and Technology toward a Future of Sustainable Innovation Part 4: Subject and Deployment of Analytical Technology in Steelmaking Process |
6 |
[Volume 100 Special Commemorative Issue]Progress in Steel Science and Technology toward a Future of Sustainable Innovation Part 3: Science and technology to increase resource productivity |
4 |
[Volume 100 Special Commemorative Issue]Progress in Steel Science and Technology toward a Future of Sustainable Innovation Part 2: Science and Technology of Steelmaking- |
2 |
[Volume 100 Special Commemorative Issue]Progress in Steel Science and Technology toward a Future of Sustainable Innovation Part 1: Ironmaking Technology for Enhancing Accessible Resources and Lowering Carbon Consumption |
1 |
[Volume 100 Special Commemorative Issue]100 Years of Steel Technology |
2013 |
99 |
2 |
Formation and Control of Micro- and Macro- Segregation |
2012 |
98 |
6 |
Fundamentals and Novel Approaches for New Demands on Work-Hardening Properties of Steels |
2011 |
97 |
6 |
Agent Technologies for Maintenance and Development of the “Field Force” in Steel Plant |
4 |
Cut Edge of Models for Predicting Microstructure and Mechanical Properties |
2 |
Environment-friendly Steel Analysis Techniques |
2010 |
96 |
7 |
Emerging Technologies for Steel Process Control |
5 |
Challenge to the Production of High Quality Coke Aiming at Maximum Usage of Low Quality Coal and Efficient Operation of Blast Furnace |
2009 |
95 |
11 |
Advanced Numerical Simulation Methods and Recent Progress of Actual Operating Technology for Leveling and Straightening Process |
3 |
Innovative Development of Refining Processes in Steelmaking by Multi Phase Fluxes |
2008 |
94 |
12 |
Effect of Ultrahigh Plastic Strain on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Metals |
10 |
Progress of Analysis on Micro-plasticity and Practical Technology in Temper Rolling |
2007 |
93 |
2 |
Recent Developments in Analytical Technology and Methodology |
2006 |
92 |
12 |
製銑プロセスの環境調和・資源対応力強化を目指して |
3 |
劣質な石炭のコークス化機構解析とコークス強度評価 |
2005 |
91 |
11 |
鉄鋼材料の降伏強度に影響を及ぼす組織要因 |
3 |
合金化溶融亜鉛めっき皮膜の構造と特性 |
1 |
社会鉄鋼工学特集―鉄の技術と文化および循環型社会 |
2004 |
90 |
11 |
鉄鋼業における最新の計測、制御、システム技術 |
9 |
革新的コークス製造技術開発への挑戦 |
6 |
革新的高効率混合・分離リアクターの開発 |
2003 |
89 |
9 |
化学分析技術の最近の進歩 |
5 |
鉄鋼の析出制御メタラジー最前線(小特集) |
4 |
製鋼スラグを栄養源として利用した海洋植物プランクトン増殖によるCO2固定化 |
3 |
鉄鋼材料における微量ボロンの挙動と性質 |
1 |
表面処理鋼板の最近の進歩-環境調和・長寿命・高機能化に向けた新展開- |
2002 |
88 |
10 |
ボルト接合と高力ボルト(小特集) |
2001 |
87 |
5 |
製銑プロセスの機能強化と新展開 |
2000 |
86 |
4 |
溶鋼流動の利用と制御 |
1999 |
85 |
2 |
最先端の化学分析と物理解析 |
1998 |
84 |
1 |
鉄鋼製精錬プロセスにおける界面物理化学の基礎と応用 -平衡論の基礎と応用 |
1996 |
82 |
5 |
コークスプロセス工学の展開 |
1995 |
81 |
4 |
[創立80周年記念特集号]21世紀に向けて―鉄鋼技術10年の軌跡― |
1993 |
79 |
7 |
鉄鋼業における最近のセンサー技術 |
3 |
圧延における寸法制御と精度向上 |
1992 |
78 |
7 |
製銑プロセスにおける現象とモデル化 |
1991 |
77 |
11 |
分析評価・解析 |
7 |
表面処理 |
1990 |
76 |
11 |
転炉機能の拡大 |
7 |
新しい耐熱鋼 |